Update Chart
Updates a chart row by id if the current tenant can edit it
The ID of the connection a guest has access to
The id of the chart to modify
The updated config for that chart
Configuration for data preparation.
User-driven raw table names.
Query-driven metadata for selected tables.
User-driven data preparation query.
Query-driven output columns after running the query.
User-driven filter steps for post-query data preparation.
Optional limit for the number of output data points.
Whether or not the data in the output table will be visible to the AI.
User-driven configuration for the chart.
User-driven title for the chart.
User-driven chart type.
User-driven configuration for the x-axis.
The name of the data column to use for the x axis
formatting for the chart axis
Indicates whether a bar chart should be laid out horizontally or vertically. A horizontal layout means that the bars are arrayed horizontally along the X axis and extend up. A vertical layout means the bars are stacked vertically up the Y axis and extend out along the X axis. This is opposite to what you might expect if you were to talk about a "vertical" or "horizontal" bar chart. Vertical layout is better for long series names. FOR THE AI: SET THIS VALUE TO HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL TO SWAP THE ORIENTATION OF A BAR CHART. DO NOT ACTUALLY SWAP THE X AND Y AXIS.
Indicates whether a chart title should be small or large font.
User-driven configuration for the y-axes (series) on the chart.
Background color styling override for a chart.
Font family to use when rendering the chart
Configuration block to handle ordering. Charts may be ordered by either axis, in either ascending or descending.
Valid output column to order on
Direction for ordering
The locale of the formatting, will default to 'en-US' if not specified
Valid JSON to pass into Intl.NumberFormat() as 'options'. Defaults to '{}'
String to prefix the number with
String to add on to the end of the number as a suffix
Label override for entire y axis
Used for map charts, describe a single layer shown on the map
Optional advanced options for tremor charts.
Optional advanced options for tremor charts.
Optional advanced options for heat maps
Optional advanced options for tables
Optional advanced options for other charts
Array of filter configurations.
The id of the chart to modify
The updated config for that chart
Configuration for data preparation.
User-driven raw table names.
Query-driven metadata for selected tables.
List of columns in the table.
The data type of the column.
, number
, boolean
, date
, mixed
A description or comment about the column.
The name of the column.
Indicates whether the column is a foreign key.
Indicates whether the column is a primary key.
List of tables referenced by the foreign key.
The name of the table.
The override name of the table, used for clashing table names across schemas.
The name of the schema to which the table belongs.
User-driven data preparation query.
User-driven filter steps for post-query data preparation.
The data type of the column.
, number
, boolean
, date
, mixed
The name of the column.
The description of the column used for AI.
An object that summarizes the data in the column. Is only ever provided if dataIsVisibleToAi is set to true.
, not equals
, contains
, starts with
, ends with
, is null
, is not null
Query-driven output columns after running the query.
The data type of the column.
, number
, boolean
, date
, mixed
The name of the column.
The description of the column used for AI.
An object that summarizes the data in the column. Is only ever provided if dataIsVisibleToAi is set to true.
An array of example values summarizing the contents of the column
This is set to true if the values array is an exhaustive summary of the available values in the column. If it's set to false it represents just some examples.
Optional limit for the number of output data points.
-1.7976931348623157e+308 < x < 1.7976931348623157e+308
Whether or not the data in the output table will be visible to the AI.
User-driven configuration for the chart.
User-driven title for the chart.
User-driven chart type.
Area Line
, Line
, Grouped Bar
, Stacked Bar
, Bar List
, Pie Chart
, Donut Chart
, Stat Card
, Scatter Plot
, Table
, Map
, Heat Map
User-driven configuration for the x-axis.
The name of the data column to use for the x axis
formatting for the chart axis
The label of the x axis
User-driven value indicating how a particular axis should be bucketed.
, day
, month
, quarter
, year
, none
Valid format string for a date column such as 'MMM DD, YYYY'. Should be set by user. Unless explicitly required, this should always be undefined or 'MMM DD, YYYY'
User-driven configuration for the y-axes (series) on the chart.
Color for the series on the chart. If this chart is AI generated, hexcodes that correspond to a custom color palette will be provided to choose from. If no hexcodes are provided the AI should use ONLY one of the following color strings: "cyan", "red", "orange", "green", "teal", "blue", "purple", "pink", "yellow", "lime", "indigo", "violet", "fuchsia", or "gray". It doesn't matter if these colors end up needing to be repeated
Type override for the series on the chart.
Area Line
, Line
, Grouped Bar
, Stacked Bar
, Bar List
, Pie Chart
, Donut Chart
, Stat Card
, Scatter Plot
, Table
, Map
, Heat Map
Optional flag to indicate whether the series represents a percentage.
The visual style of the curve used with this series.
, step
, natural
, monotone
The name of the data column to use for the x axis
formatting for the chart axis
The label of the x axis
User-driven value indicating how a particular axis should be bucketed.
, day
, month
, quarter
, year
, none
Valid format string for a date column such as 'MMM DD, YYYY'. Should be set by user. Unless explicitly required, this should always be undefined or 'MMM DD, YYYY'
User-driven flag to indicate whether to segment this series.
Column name of column used for segmentation. The AI should set this value to the name of one of the available columns to produce a segmented chart. This value MUST be set to the name of an actual data column that is available.
Query-generated segment names after segmentBy is provided. The AI should NEVER generate or alter these values. They depend on the actual data fetched from the database.
User-driven array of segments where each Segment.name comes from segmentNames. This should NEVER be generated by an AI. Instead this will be created based on available data depending on which column is chosen to segment by.
Aggregation logic for segments. The AI is allowed to set this value.
Distinct count
, Count
, Sum
, Average
, Min
, Max
Whether to lock the segments from live reloading on each chart render. The AI should NEVER change this value, and should never set it to true when generating a new chart.
The position of data labels on the chart
, left
, right
, bottom
, inside
, outside
, insideTop
, insideBottom
, center
, centerTop
, centerBottom
Font size of the data labels on the chart
-1.7976931348623157e+308 < x < 1.7976931348623157e+308
Whether to show the data labels at a 45 degree angle
How far to offset the data labels from the data points on the chart
-1.7976931348623157e+308 < x < 1.7976931348623157e+308
The base aggregation type to be used if needed.
Distinct count
, Count
, Sum
, Average
, Min
, Max
Whether this series is hidden on the chart.
Indicates whether a bar chart should be laid out horizontally or vertically. A horizontal layout means that the bars are arrayed horizontally along the X axis and extend up. A vertical layout means the bars are stacked vertically up the Y axis and extend out along the X axis. This is opposite to what you might expect if you were to talk about a "vertical" or "horizontal" bar chart. Vertical layout is better for long series names. FOR THE AI: SET THIS VALUE TO HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL TO SWAP THE ORIENTATION OF A BAR CHART. DO NOT ACTUALLY SWAP THE X AND Y AXIS.
, vertical
Indicates whether a chart title should be small or large font.
, large
Background color styling override for a chart.
, red
, lime
, indigo
, orange
, violet
, emerald
, amber
, teal
, sky
, yellow
, green
, blue
, purple
, fuchsia
, slate
, pink
, gray
, rose
, zinc
, neutral
, stone
, 100
, 200
, 300
, 400
, 500
, 600
, 700
, 800
, 900
, 950
A hexcode schema that matches to an externally set list of valid hexcodes. These would be set manually by the user. Automated coloring should use the tailwind presets.
, 5
, 10
, 20
, 25
, 30
, 40
, 50
, 60
, 70
, 75
, 80
, 90
, 95
, 100
Font family to use when rendering the chart
Configuration block to handle ordering. Charts may be ordered by either axis, in either ascending or descending.
The locale of the formatting, will default to 'en-US' if not specified
Valid JSON to pass into Intl.NumberFormat() as 'options'. Defaults to '{}'
String to prefix the number with
String to add on to the end of the number as a suffix
Label override for entire y axis
Used for map charts, describe a single layer shown on the map
The output column relevant to this layer. Features are grouped on this column.
Parameters for a map layer that's used to display points
Optional advanced options for tremor charts.
The text of the info tooltip
Whether or not to include an info tooltip on the top right of the chart
Whether to show the label of the x axis
Whether to show the label of the y axis
Number of items to show in the chart. Useful for questions like 'top 10' or 'bottom 5'
-1.7976931348623157e+308 < x < 1.7976931348623157e+308
A custom CSS class that should appear on this chart for easier customization.
Optional advanced options for tremor charts.
When set to true, the chart will only display the first and last label on the x axis
Whether or not to display the x axis.
Whether to show the line of the x axis
Whether or not to display the y axis
Whether to show the line of the y axis
Whether or not the chart is animated.
Whether or not the tooltip will display on hover.
Whether or not to display the legend of a chart.
Whether or not to display the grid lines on a chart.
When connectNulls is true, a chart series that contains null values will draw a line through the gap.
Change legend to be scrollabel instead
The style of curve for a line chart.
, linear
, natural
, monotone
Configuration for custom tooltip
The maximum value that will be displayed on the Y axis, stored as a string for UI purposes
The minimum value that will be displayed on the Y axis, stored as a string for UI purposes
The number of columns that should appear on each page of the heat map.
-1.7976931348623157e+308 < x < 1.7976931348623157e+308
Optional advanced options for heat maps
An option for heat maps, indicates whether the heat map should attempt to label the cells.
The number of columns that should appear on each page of the heat map.
-1.7976931348623157e+308 < x < 1.7976931348623157e+308
When set to true, the chart will only display the first and last label on the x axis
Whether or not to display the x axis.
Whether or not to display the y axis
Optional advanced options for tables
An option that controls whether column filtering is enabled for all columns in the table.
An option to indicate whether the table should allow sorting on columns.
An option to indicate whether the table should be resizable. THE AI SHOULD NEVER MODIFY THIS FIELD
An option to indicate whether the table should be resizable.
An array of column names that should be pinned to the left side of the table.
An array of column names that are hidden from the table.
An array that holds the current sorting state of the table.
An array that holds the current width state of the columns, THE AI CAN NEVER TOUCH THIS FIELD.
An array that holds the current index state of the columns, THE AI CAN NEVER TOUCH THIS FIELD.
Optional advanced options for other charts
Array of filter configurations.
Subtype of the input filter.
Input Equals
, Input Starts with
, Input Ends with
, Input Contains
No specific restrictions for the input filter.
User-driven display name for the filter.
User-driven key to identify the filter when controlled externally.
User-driven layout configuration for the filter.
Component key or uses the index of components if not provided.
X position in grid units.
-1.7976931348623157e+308 < x < 1.7976931348623157e+308
Y position in grid units.
-1.7976931348623157e+308 < x < 1.7976931348623157e+308
Width in grid units.
-1.7976931348623157e+308 < x < 1.7976931348623157e+308
Height in grid units.
-1.7976931348623157e+308 < x < 1.7976931348623157e+308
Minimum width in grid units.
-1.7976931348623157e+308 < x < 1.7976931348623157e+308
Maximum width in grid units.
-1.7976931348623157e+308 < x < 1.7976931348623157e+308
Minimum height in grid units.
-1.7976931348623157e+308 < x < 1.7976931348623157e+308
Maximum height in grid units.
-1.7976931348623157e+308 < x < 1.7976931348623157e+308
Set by DragEvents and ResizeEvents.
If true, equal to isDraggable: false
and isResizable: false
If false, will not be draggable. Overrides static
If false, will not be resizable. Overrides static
Array of resize handles.
, w
, e
, n
, sw
, nw
, se
, ne
If true and draggable, item will be moved only within the grid.
Array of targeted filter configurations.
Array of targeted filter configurations.
"Before logic"
List of simple columns for 'Before logic'.
The data type of the column.
, number
, boolean
, date
, mixed
The name of the column.
The description of the column used for AI.
An object that summarizes the data in the column. Is only ever provided if dataIsVisibleToAi is set to true.
Name of the target table.
Identifier of the target chart.
User-driven target column for the filter.
The ID of the connection a guest has access to
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