
Dashboards in Upsolve are source agnostic. This means that multiple charts backed by multiple data sources may co-exist on the same dashboard. This provides endless flexibility to dashboard builders, but also requires filtering to be built on a set of rails that is different from traditional BI tools.

The basic concept is that there are chart filters and dashboard filters. A dashboard filter can only be configured to point to one or more chart filters. This ensures a consistent behavior for the chart, whether it is being viewed/filtered as a standalone experience, or as part of a dashboard.

Chart filters

To create a chart filter, go into the chart editor and select the Configure filters tab.

Filter Guide 1

There are 3 things you can filter on:

1. Raw backing tables: filter any column in the raw data that is powering this specific chart

2. Computed table: filter any column from the data table that was computed by the SQL written for this chart

3. Variables in the chart SQL: inject variables into the SQL code that is backing this chart

Filter Guide 2

There are 3 steps to configuring a filter:

1. Table: select the table to filter or “Query variables”

2. Column: select the column or variable to filter on

3. Filter: configure the filter as needed. Options will be provided based on the type of filter selected

Filter Guide 3

Once the filter is added, navigate back to the Chart Builder tab to check it out. Click the blue filter icon to see all available filters. Setting one will add the filter to your chart

Filter Guide 4

If you are happy with your result, Save the chart and let’s configure this in the dashboard!

Dashboard filters

To create a dashboard filter, go into the dashboard editor and click the + New filter button.

Filter Guide 5

Give your filter a name, and set the type and subtype. In this case, we are going to set a Select filter with multiple options allowed.

Filter Guide 6

Note that there are only 2 charts on this dashboard that have Select filters avaialble for us to map to. Select the ones that this dashboard filter should map to. In this case, it will be Expense Status 2 in both Total Spend ($) (Copy) and Daily Spend Trend (Copy). Click the green (+) button next to each filter you want to target and you will see this:

Filter Guide 7 Filter Guide 8

Now, there are more expense statuses I want to map to, but the charts that are in this dashboard don’t yet have those filters created on them. We can add them from this menu. Click the # charts with no Select filter shown button to reveal the other charts. Pick the one you want, such as Spend by Merchant (Copy). Configure it to be a Select filter and preview to make sure things worked.

Filter Guide 9

Add the filter and hit Save to make sure it’s added. You will see the filter show up above the panel you are in with a green (+) icon. Note that if this filter was not configured as a Select filter, it would not appear in this case. This is because chart filters are only shown if they match the dashboard filter type exactly.

Filter Guide 10

You may now click the green (+) icon to add this newly configured chart filter to the target list of this filter

Filter Guide 11

Finally, use the filter preview to confirm that everything is working as expected.

Filter Guide 12

Ther filter may now be set on the dashboard level. Note that all charts that the filter is connected to are filtered.

Filter Guide 13